The Full Story
BiVoHUB is the future. We are a coworking space for bi-vocational church leaders and practitioners who need a creative space to study, share, and mingle with others on the same journey. You can access reference materials, journal databases, books, meeting/study spaces, monthly workshops, coaching, formation groups, and seminary-level courses, depending on your membership level.
With the decline of the Church in the West, most churches are either plateaued or declining. Because of this, many leaders are seeking full-time employment outside of ministry. Many seek to start small businesses to supplement their income while on this BiVo journey but are puzzled about where or what to start. They struggle to find mentors to help them find a path forward. As a result, many do not have spaces outside their home, not to mention a learning space, to study and be creative with others. They need spaces similar to a gym to stay in shape and exercise, to rejuvenate their passion and focus for ministry while developing their business idea and working a full-time marketplace job. They need others, a community to help them grow, sharpen their skills, and expand their network. Whether you are a pastor, church planter, micro church practitioner, or nonprofit starter - a dream - we have a space for you.
With over 2500 sq. ft of space dedicated to BiVoHub, we have study areas, conference space, meeting rooms, desks, couches, kitchenette, and everything most coworking spaces offer.
Membership levels are coming soon.