At Kingswell we endeavor to equip missional leaders to do what Jesus said. We live in a time of accelerated change in North America, evidenced by increased immigration, rapid technological advances, globalization, and the decline of Christian influence in culture. These changes are causing the Church in North America to re-evaluate its mission to the world. In our opinion, God is simply waking his people to the realization that we do not exist for the purpose of only maintaining our church structures, but we exist to partner with God on a mission of reconciling our neighborhoods, cities, and communities to Christ.
With this purpose, Kingswell seeks to breathe life into a difficult situation today. Statistics show that 80-85% of churches are plateauing or in decline. With this concern, we help followers of Jesus develop the skills, knowledge, and spiritual formation necessary to lead missionally by making disciples within one’s context of leadership.
Our Name Kingswell
Our dream is for "Kingswell" to exhibit the refreshing presence of the Holy Spirit for his people (c.f., Jn 4:10-14; 7:38) for the empowerment of being sent on mission to make disciples. We view our learning and missional communities to be like "wells" where the refreshing presence of the King is experenced and where people are sent forward in mission as a result. This imagery of the King's well offers our learning community a promising identity that conveys a vision of our servant-leaders being conditioned by God's presence for the purpose of quenching the thirst of the broken.
Our Mission
Nurturing and cultivating missional leaders and community in areas between Cincinnati and Dayton. We execute this mission by training leaders through learning communities, then offering these leaders the opportunity to experiment by cultivating missional communities in unchartered contexts (i.e., their neighborhoods, local coffee shops, pubs, community centers, new church plants - you name it - a place in their context).
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Our Learning Communities retool leaders with the hardware necessary to make disciples more effectively within one’s context. We focus on recalibrating one’s missional aim by centering one’s life in Christ—to follow Him and to be empowered by the Spirit for the mission of reconciling the world to Him. Our learning communities exist in the following forms: